monday, it's back to school for us. just a little introduction.
anngee's an illustrator,
grace's an illustrator too
and me, i'm a photographer.
we're all still in school and study at Temasek Polytechnic Design School, Visual Communication course.
we are currently doing our final year projects. yup....
pictures from yesterday!

grace and me, anngee was taking the photo. we were at MOS settling accounts. i'm scribbling in the account books.
rage was going around asking people to draw on her hand and she drew a ring on ag's finger, which looks like my ring. so rage is married to ag and ag is married to me... yay for threesomes...

anngee has two wives. baaaaaah. and oh yes my 'tattoo' isn't off yet... i love that guy!
the fancy stuff on this blog will be up once anngee gets enough rest to stay up a few hours to put them up. -_-
we're all tired people oh yes...
ag says to say we're eating hello panda and BE JEALOUS~!
this is ag making her first post ever on this blog. Chunz's stealing my chocolate hello panda. :X
eh. i will TRY not to sleep tonight to get the banner and fancy-smancy stuff that decorates the blog up. but knowing me i'll probably just die on the bed tonight.
oh hot guys welcome to join. :PPPPP
nyahahaha. and my hello panda is back.
-the great ag.