Tuesday, 26 December 2006

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merry christmas ^_^

thank you all the customers at taka! and also the wonderful MAAD people, see you 30th!

Wednesday, 20 December 2006

hello everybody,

here's a reminder,

we'll be at Takashimaya Lvl 4 outside Art Friend's on the 23rd and 24th dec
that's this sat and sun.

and these are our charity items
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also, i realised that we didn't leave our contact. that's pencilsandneedles@gmail.com feel free to email us if you want! i constantly check there for fanmail comments. ^_^

Wednesday, 13 December 2006

miss us yet?

wellos everybody!

oh yes last sunday was the last day for us @ red dot for this stint, but WE'LL BE BACK next febuary after our final year major projects. yep. do check back here for updates!

if you CAN'T WAIT for febuary, we will be at Ngee Ann city or Taka to most of you, Creative Level (that's where Art Friend's is) on the 23rd and 24th! we might pack up early on the 23rd, so do come earlier! A really good opportunity to get those last min christmas prezzies. ^_^ and our charity items? we got glass bottles.. watch for it!

i'm gonna miss these guys... we'll go back occasionally to visit!

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ah ping

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and hungry

and of course the MAAD people too! thanks for all the *cough* free cookies and cupcakes xD

Friday, 8 December 2006


Hello people,

this week will be pencilsandneedles' official last week at MAAD Sunday (Red Dot Museum) - because we're all third year students doing our FINAL YEAR PROJECT!!! (unfortunately)


we'll be selling our stuff at MAAD @ iFOURUM,Taka on the 23rd and 24th of Dec (which is the time for last minute Xmas pressies!) Operation time will be from 12pm-9pm.

see you there!

Wednesday, 6 December 2006



this is ag speaking. i just want to tell you that my dog is the cutest little bastard ever.

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wahahahaha. okay, so this is a random post with nothing whatsoever to do with pencilsandneedles, but since we all love that lil humper... :PPP

We're gonna be down at the Red Dot Museum this week again selling postcards and the blocks and chun yi's plushies. wheeeee!!! come down if you can! we have lots of fun there :D

new x'mas card

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hope u like it.



there's a lil story behind this drawing^^

this winter, grace is sending her magical pet shitake---named "Mushiro", to distribute luv and presents to the rest of the world.
please be patient, the material fo his undie this year is too heavy and he's bouncy little creature, the presents maynot reach u in time -.- but he'll try his best, cos he knows wat's waiting for him if he can't complete this mission.(*nyahahaha)

Saturday, 2 December 2006

We came out of new products for sell^^

drawing on wood blocks,

and these are some self portraits we did and they are gonna be displayed.

anngee's one is PERFECTLY all right ( with my mushie skulls & cross-bones)
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chunyi's one is .... interesting, and i really like my version of her, cute!!!
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mine is spastic as usual, but hey, check out anngee's version, i look like a freakie monkey!!!!!!
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interesting collab btw ag, chunz & me.
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one of the new design i did on friday.(not completed yet)
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again, support us this week (sunday) at red dot museum:D
gonna be the last week, so come down and visit us, thanks!

just to let u all know that grace(me) speaks and writes very lousy english,
bear with it pls T-T

grace >.<

a little bit of help... pleeassseee

ah. as you awesome people with extremely keen eyesight might have noticed. the top of our blog now reads < src="http: //img201.imageshack.us/img201/3333/brl9.jpg" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us"> instead of Pencils and Needles.

T_T yes i know. i suxxorrrsss at html. so please people. show me your generosity of spirit and take pity on us little people with zero html knowledge and guide us to the correct path of html so that we can finally have our banner within the box and have the name at the top too. T_T

thanks very much.

-the not so great ag.

Friday, 1 December 2006

whee.. chunz stinky fartypants <~ ag-eat-a-lot, grace-shits-a-lot


as promised, NEW STUFF for sale!

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oriental look ~ obviously by grace

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by anngee.

me? anngee dropped it down a two flights of stairs. eh tested and proven... sturdy stuff man... but anyways she wants to keep that one it will be on display

THIS SUNDAY AT MAAD @ RED DOT TRAFFIC MUSEUM (maxwell rd) you can't miss it the whole building is fire engine red.

they came over earlier to draw it today... and i'm farting all over the place... hey it's mah room!

anyway i'll be missing this sunday... MISS ME! oh yes because i will be hard at work.

bai bai now...

Thursday, 30 November 2006

somebody got her fancy smancy dinner.....

sambal stingray, veggies and mushrooms and meatballs, corn and carrot soup...

i'm a chef!

the drawings are coming soon ag and grace promise.....


Blogger beta is a sneaky bastard.

okay. my eyeballs just about exploded from scanning through all the wicked html thingies. evil.. EVIL are the people at blogger to inflict such torture.

anyways. the fancy-smancy stuff is up!!! banner, links and addition of authors on blog. i'm blogging under my name. muahaha.

and this is for chunz who says i can't draw in colour. BAH.

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I can okay. ag can do anything except stand up and pee. :X btw. the name "the great ag" was given by Chuang Shyue Chou who is also a great landscape + warrior + machinery artist.

p.s: chunz and grace: YOU OWE ME A HUGE DINNER YOU HEAR. HUUUUUGGEEE dinner.


this is four am in the morning in singapore.

and what am i doing up? lounging in mah bed with the trusty powerbook baby in my lap typing away furiously on the blogger post (with a hot guy by my side)?


i'm driven insane by the complicated mess of html that is blogger beta. GRRRRRRR!!!! RRAAAWWWRRRRR!!!!!!!! anyways. stuff will be up once i figure out how to navigate the bloody html thingies.

mommieee......save meee.....


the great ag. who isn't feeling very great at the moment.

Monday, 27 November 2006

monday, it's back to school for us. just a little introduction.

anngee's an illustrator,
grace's an illustrator too
and me, i'm a photographer.

we're all still in school and study at Temasek Polytechnic Design School, Visual Communication course.
we are currently doing our final year projects. yup....

pictures from yesterday!

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grace and me, anngee was taking the photo. we were at MOS settling accounts. i'm scribbling in the account books.

rage was going around asking people to draw on her hand and she drew a ring on ag's finger, which looks like my ring. so rage is married to ag and ag is married to me... yay for threesomes...

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anngee has two wives. baaaaaah. and oh yes my 'tattoo' isn't off yet... i love that guy!

the fancy stuff on this blog will be up once anngee gets enough rest to stay up a few hours to put them up. -_-

we're all tired people oh yes...

ag says to say we're eating hello panda and BE JEALOUS~!



this is ag making her first post ever on this blog. Chunz's stealing my chocolate hello panda. :X

eh. i will TRY not to sleep tonight to get the banner and fancy-smancy stuff that decorates the blog up. but knowing me i'll probably just die on the bed tonight.

oh hot guys welcome to join. :PPPPP

nyahahaha. and my hello panda is back.

-the great ag.

thank u thank u!!!

strawberry cake
Originally uploaded by noofnoof.
to thank all of u, this is a cake from me:)
really appreciate ur supports people.
hope u enjoy our work.
for more info about this weekend,
u can check on my personal blog

nice day!


last day at P.S for MAAD


maad sunday @ plaza singapura. i went over late after work.

THANKS much to our customers.



Saturday, 25 November 2006

MAAD goes to Plaza Singapura


O (^ ^) o

it was day 2 of MAAD @ Plaza Singapura today.

it was so hot and it rained. and the other two got bored and started drawing on me. human canvas

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and the uncle who carves bears sprayed one white and gave it to us to draw on for him ^_^

thank you very much to our customers!!! and especially friends(simmie, rach, hui zhi, karen, bee peng, anngee's ms ho and blog reader merv from last week) for supporting us!

see you guys around


we'll still be at plaza sing tomorrow! check back for more updates

Friday, 24 November 2006

do check back later! we're still setting up.

in the mean time check out our personal blogs

anngee @ www.phreaque-talk.blogspot.com

chunyi @ www.have-wings-will-travel.blogspot.com

grace @ www.pimaoxiong.livejournal.com
hi all


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